
GotoyourSettings->Notifications->Cleanfoxandcheckwhethernotificationsareenabledornot.Ifitisnotenabled,pleaseenableit.·Alsoifyoudon'tget ...,2024年2月6日—Cleanfoxtechnicallydoesnotunsubscribeyoufromemails;instead,itblocksthemandsendsthemtothetrash.Ifyou'relookingforanactual ...,Wearehereforyoushouldyouneedanykindofassistancetocleanyourinboxandunsubscribeordeleteyourspamemailsandnewsletter...

is Cleanfox not working having issues for you?

Go to your Settings->Notifications->Cleanfox and check whether notifications are enabled or not. If it is not enabled, please enable it. · Also if you don't get ...

Best Cleanfox Alternative in 2024

2024年2月6日 — Cleanfox technically does not unsubscribe you from emails; instead, it blocks them and sends them to the trash. If you're looking for an actual ...

Help Center

We are here for you should you need any kind of assistance to clean your inbox and unsubscribe or delete your spam emails and newsletters.


How does Cleanfox works? How much does Cleanfox cost? See all questions ... Cleanfox didn't clear out my mailbox. I still have a lot of emails. The ...

Cleanfox app not working? crashes or has problems?

Fix Cleanfox not working on Android, crashes, errors or is unresponsive: · Force Stop the Cleanfox App. On android, goto Settings » click Cleanfox app. » click ...

Problem with Cleanfox app deleting new incoming emails

2023年9月4日 — Hi, I am having a problem with the Cleanfox app that I installed to clean up my inbox. The app is supposed to delete only newsletters and ...


2023年10月27日 — Cleanfox and other similar AIs say they can rid your inbox of thousands of junk mails and even unsubscribe for you. Do they work?

What are your thoughts on CleanFox? Is it safe?

2019年3月12日 — Clean fox what it does is help you clean your spam and newsletters by unsubscribing from the mails. I want to use it but have concerns as it ...

Is CleanFox secure?

2019年9月22日 — Terrible reviews in the app store saying it doesn't work. I would stay away from it.

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